2021-02-19 version 2.3.6
Fix: settings in the save variable product
2021-02-18 version 2.3.5
- Fix: get cianbox customer id from order
2021-02-15 version 2.3.4
- Feature: send the order to Cianbox when the order status changes
- Fix: get all description when the split description option is disabled
2021-02-14 version 2.3.3
- Feature: large description and short description
2021-02-12 version 2.3.2
- feature: delete images from products no enable
- feature: delete products or hide products when it is not enabled
2021-01-13 version 2.3.1
- Fix: sync categories
2021-01-12 version 2.3.0
- Feature: license with restrictions
- Fix: sync order use BONIFICACION as a discount
- Feature: switch to enable the send of orders
2020-11-03 version 2.2.6
- Fix: add meta boxes hook by post type
2020-11-02 version 2.2.5
- Feature: sync online to images is ok
2020-10-29 version 2.2.4
- Feature: sync images from button
2020-10-22 version 2.2.3
- Feature: enable dimensions to products
2020-10-19 version 2.2.2
- Fix: calculates last amount on the bank accouns report
- Fix: applies the only_fe param on the invoice report
- Fix: params to get invoices and get bank accounts
2020-10-18 version 2.2.1
- Fix: flush when it creates the invoice or bank accounts endpoints
2020-10-17 version 2.2.0
- Feature: bank accounts and invoices
2020-10-11 version 2.1.5
- Feature: places field compatible with the WC Checkout Manager plugin
- Feature: places field will appear on the my account page
2020-10-05 version 2.1.4
- Fix: error calling to send_cianbox() from the Cianbox_Integrator class
2020-10-05 version 2.1.3
- Fix: parse args from settings defaults
2020-10-02 version 2.1.2
- Fix: we implement the dropdown city like WC implements the dropdown state
2020-09-30 version 2.1.1
- Feature: switch to enable sync places
- Fix: block when change the city field
2020-09-29 version 2.1.0
- Feature: places from Cianbox
2020-09-12 version 2.0.3
- Feature: new settings field to choose the product title
2020-09-10 version 2.0.2
- Feature: support more currencies
2020-09-04 version 2.0.1
- Fix: remove tag if stock return to 0
2020-09-03 version 2.0.0
- Feature : apply tags when the stock change
2020-09-01 version 1.9.1
- Feature: cianbox customer id field
- Notice: Compatible with WP 5.5.x
- Notice: Compatible with WC 4.4.x
2020-07-31 version 1.9.0
- Fix: reset images when it loads products
- Fix: add session class in dash
2020-07-28 version 1.8.9
- Fix: product variable with images from his variations
2020-07-16 version 1.8.8
- Fix: update subtotal from cianbox when it adds a new product
2020-07-13 version 1.8.7
- Feature: tables cianbox
2020-07-11 version 1.8.6
- Fix: IPN and Webhook of MercadoPago in Cianbox Order
- Fix: button send order cianbox
2020-07-10 version 1.8.5
- Fix: retain tags on products
- Fix: we change the image_url field to varchar 200 on images table
2020-07-09 version 1.8.4
- Fix: if it is a new product and the vigente param is false, it returns false
- Fix: Log in IPN of MercadoPago
- Feature: Compatible with WC 4.3.x
2020-07-08 version 1.8.3
- Fix: sales price from Cianbox
- Fix: log Cianbox order
- Feature : Deactive products are set to 0 the stock and hidden product
2020-07-07 version 1.8.2
- Feature: add order_id, order_key and order_date to settings cianbox
2020-07-06 version 1.8.1
- Fix: avoid sending the order to Cianbox from the thankyou page when it is MercadoPago
2020-07-05 version 1.8.0
- Feature: the admin can customize the customer order note to send to Cianbox
- Feature: more orders meta values
2020-06-28 version 1.7.6
- Fix: product subtotal with discount in order
- Fix: IVA in anothers items
2020-06-26 version 1.7.5
- Fix: send orders with a specific price list
2020-06-25 version 1.7.4
- Fix: multiples wc notes
- Fix: add a new variation to order
2020-06-24 version 1.7.3
- Fix: order notes when Cianbox modifies the order
- Fix: checkbox to enable the orders sync
2020-06-23 version 1.7.2
- Fix: calculate item price when Cianbox edits the order
2020-06-21 version 1.7.1
- Fix: sync order from cianbox, products with variations work
2020-06-20 version 1.7.0
- Feature : Products Offer Price from Cianbox
- Feature : Order Status from Cianbox
- Feature : Orders from Cianbox
2020-05-20 version 1.6.4
- Feature : limit products on sync online
2020-05-12 version 1.6.3
- Fix: get Cianbox Customer ID if is not admin
2020-05-09 version 1.6.2
- Feature: button to send Cianbox order manually
2020-04-18 version 1.6.1
- Feature : We send Cianbox order using the IPN of MercadoPago
2020-03-30 version 1.6.0
- Feature: products pending
2020-03-05 version 1.5.6
- Fix: if the category name is empty
2020-03-01 version 1.5.5
- Fix: it send the Cianbox order only a time
2020-02-27 version 1.5.4
- We send the order when it is in thank you page
2020-02-20 version 1.5.3
- Product id equals to 0 to [no cianbox] product
- Coupon value always in negative